
Author: Admin

How to respond to angry customers on Social Media

Social media has paved the way for companies to get closer to their customers. And while this has proven to be advantageous, it can also be disastrous if you do not know how to properly deal with angry customers who vent their ire, frustration and disappointment in social media.

Word of mouth still is the best marketing method, and whereas before any bad feedback or complaint from your customers may have gone no further than a conversation between friends or through snail mail, nowadays every complaint, valid or not, is available for the world to see.

How to successfully launch your app

Pre Launch App Marketing is an area of expertise in itself. With more than 1000 apps launched each day both on the App Store and Google Play Store, the clutter and the noise is increasingly challenging to beat. Very often, even innovative apps with clear value add and tremendous utility gets ignored posing the need to market apps well.

This doesn’t end at the Product Development desk or with App Store Optimisation. App marketers will need to be incredibly creative with their marketing efforts. App marketers are competing against 2.5 million apps already on the stores, a million others in alternative app stores, 1000+ new apps being released each day and unfortunately inspiring clones waiting to be released the moment success comes calling.

Why are outside resources the best way to go?

Realising that you can’t do everything internally, and that it’s better to hire outside resources, is a hard truth to take in.

If you need to feel better about your decision to outsource your efforts, here are some things that will reaffirm your choice to let some internal control go:

1.     Consider the opportunity costs.

There’s an opportunity cost to everything. Too often, we forget to value our time and attention.

Your employees are your biggest marketing asset

There is a holy grail in the workplace, but like the one in the popular book and movie “The Di Vinci Code,” it’s not exactly what you’d expect. In any company, the products and the location are important.

So, too, are the branding strategies, packaging and pricing — but in the end, it’s the employees who make the difference. That’s why it’s so important that you motivate them to move mountains.

There are lots of examples of great companies and their highly motivated employees: Apple, Disney, Starbucks, Southwest Airlines, Coca Cola, Zappos and Wynn Resorts are a few that come to mind.

How to make more sales on your eCommerce website

According to a recent study, retailers are losing more than 45% of potential buyers due to inefficiencies in their website and operations.

Here are 10 points to consider when evaluating your current or future eCommerce website:

1. Pricing

The Internet allows shoppers to quickly compare prices. If you are in a competitive market, you need to make sure there is a good reason for your customer to visit and then stay on your website.

The future of Marketing

It’s been more than half a century since Philip Kotler first published his principles of marketing, which has defined the practice of millions of professionals worldwide ever since.  It’s no stretch to say that before Kotler, there was no marketing profession.

What made Kotler different than what came before is that he took insights from other fields, such as economics, social science and analytics and applied them to the marketing arena.  Although it seems basic now, it was groundbreaking then.

What Is Leadership Really About?

Make a list of the 5 leaders you most admire. They can be from business, social media, politics, technology, the sciences, any field. Now ask yourself why you admire them. The chances are high that your admiration is based on more than their accomplishments, impressive as those may be. I’ll bet that everyone on your list reaches you on an emotional level.

The ability to reach people in a way that transcends the intellectual and rational is the mark of a great leader. They all have it. They inspire us. It’s a simple as that. And when we’re inspired we tap into our best selves and deliver amazing work.

Like it or not?

How many pages have you liked/followed on social media? Personally, over 100. Does that mean I interact with all 100 of these pages on a daily basis? Not even close.  In fact, there’s only a handful I bother paying attention to… or engaging with.


Well, because they have something special — something that keeps me interested, commenting & clicking Like/Follow. For lack of a better word, I’d say they have charisma.

How do you recognise the next big thing?

Can you get better at spotting the most promising opportunities? How does anyone know it when they see it?

If you’re like most people, throughout your life a few great opportunities will land on your doorstep. And again, if you’re like most people, you’ll ignore these rare opportunities because you won’t recognise them as great chances for success.

Don’t feel bad; even people in the opportunity recognition business – including prominent venture capitalists – miss out on great opportunities. Everybody misses a few, no one gets them all.

Why investing abroad can be a good idea

InvestmentThe trend toward investing abroad has been gaining popularity since the 1990s. Companies choose to invest in foreign markets for a number of reasons:

Market seeking

Firms may go overseas to find new buyers for their goods and services. The top executives or owners of a company may realise that their product is unique or superior to the competition in foreign markets and seek to take advantage of this opportunity.

Adapt to changes better than your competitors

Recently, researchers asked a group of 12-year olds if they typically listen to music on YouTube, radio, or a CD? Not surprisingly, the majority answered “YouTube”. However, the second most common response was, “What’s a CD?”

Researchers also asked a group of high school students how they most often use email. Their responses?“To communicate with old people.”

And therein lies one of the most daunting challenges facing today’s companies – the need to reinvent their entire business model rather than just a new product or service.

After all, there’s no point in coming out with a newer and better CD when people no longer use them (much less know what they are). And anyone operating an email-based business might as well get in line right behind the post office because extinction is already knocking on the door, and it won’t take “go away” for an answer.

Turn bad publicity into good PR

Sometimes, bad publicity is inevitable. Even when you and your organisation behave responsibly, you always run the small risk of an unexpected PR disaster. In the information age, bad publicity can reach the masses before you can even mount a defense.

The only thing worse than having your image tarnished in the public light after you’ve done everything within your power to protect yourself is to find out you’re the one who caused the disaster. For every rogue employee saying something stupid to the media, there’s a poor senior-level decision being made.

What to do when your business gets bad publicity
Respond quickly, honestly and decisively. Don’t get defensive. If you are in the wrong, it’s vital to own up and apologise. Never say “no comment” – it sends the message that you are in the wrong but feel no remorse – and the press may keep digging for dirt. Face up to the situation and you can begin to restore the reputation of your business.