
Category: Social Media

Think like a buyer not a seller

How to become 2Marketers surpass consumers in their daily use of e-mail, texting and social platforms. A whopping 93 percent of marketers have made a purchase as a direct result of an e-mail marketing message, while only 49 percent of online consumers have done so.

What is the significance of this? The differences point to a fundamental fact about marketing: Your perspective may be skewed if you make assumptions about customers based on your own behaviour, rather than that of the people you want to reach. If you are operating on a different wavelength than your customers, your marketing will seem like it’s from Mars–and will not resonate with its intended audience.

Let’s take a look at some adages that can help you gain real insight into your customer base.

How to strengthen customer relationships

How to strengthen customer relationshipsNurturing relationships with your customers is a crucial part of growing a successful business. In this age of automation and innovation, caring for your customers has never been more important.

At any moment, an unhappy customer can share their opinion with the masses through social media and the web and negatively affect your business. That’s why it’s even more important than ever to create an excellent experience for your customers to help develop your company’s relationship with them into love. Creating love between your company and your customers can help scale positive word of mouth that’s absolutely priceless.

Can YouTube help grow your business?

Can YouTube help grow your businessBecause it’s a video platform, YouTube may not initially seem like a suitable platform for marketing a business—but I believe that if used the right way, your business can definitely benefit from it.

How to stay ahead of your competitors.

Know the competition. Find out who your competitors are, what they are offering and what their unique selling point (USP) is. This will identify the areas you need to compete in, as well as giving you a platform for differentiating yourself.

Know your customers. Customer expectations can change dramatically when economic conditions are unstable. Find out what matters to your customers now – is it lower price, more flexible service, the latest products? Revise your sales and marketing strategy accordingly.

Make your small business a big success

How to market effectively is one of the biggest challenges faced by small businesses and entrepreneurs today. There are many marketing techniques that can be used, and choosing the right approach for your business is not easy. Small businesses also have limited budget to use on marketing which makes it even more challenging.

A good marketing strategy is a very valuable tool for any business, whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years.  In order for your business to be successful, it is essential for people to know about your brand as well as the products and services you offer.  This is where a good online marketing strategy can help.

Customer perception is everything

Culture is crucial when it comes to understanding the needs and behaviours of an individual. Throughout his existence, an individual will be influenced by his family, his friends, his cultural environment or society that will “teach” him values, preferences as well as common behaviours to their own culture.

For a brand, it is important to understand and take into account the cultural factors inherent to each market or to each situation in order to adapt its product and its marketing strategy. As these will play a role in the perception, habits, behaviour or expectations of consumers.

How to respond to angry customers on Social Media

Social media has paved the way for companies to get closer to their customers. And while this has proven to be advantageous, it can also be disastrous if you do not know how to properly deal with angry customers who vent their ire, frustration and disappointment in social media.

Word of mouth still is the best marketing method, and whereas before any bad feedback or complaint from your customers may have gone no further than a conversation between friends or through snail mail, nowadays every complaint, valid or not, is available for the world to see.

How to successfully launch your app

Pre Launch App Marketing is an area of expertise in itself. With more than 1000 apps launched each day both on the App Store and Google Play Store, the clutter and the noise is increasingly challenging to beat. Very often, even innovative apps with clear value add and tremendous utility gets ignored posing the need to market apps well.

This doesn’t end at the Product Development desk or with App Store Optimisation. App marketers will need to be incredibly creative with their marketing efforts. App marketers are competing against 2.5 million apps already on the stores, a million others in alternative app stores, 1000+ new apps being released each day and unfortunately inspiring clones waiting to be released the moment success comes calling.

Like it or not?

How many pages have you liked/followed on social media? Personally, over 100. Does that mean I interact with all 100 of these pages on a daily basis? Not even close.  In fact, there’s only a handful I bother paying attention to… or engaging with.


Well, because they have something special — something that keeps me interested, commenting & clicking Like/Follow. For lack of a better word, I’d say they have charisma.

Turn bad publicity into good PR

Sometimes, bad publicity is inevitable. Even when you and your organisation behave responsibly, you always run the small risk of an unexpected PR disaster. In the information age, bad publicity can reach the masses before you can even mount a defense.

The only thing worse than having your image tarnished in the public light after you’ve done everything within your power to protect yourself is to find out you’re the one who caused the disaster. For every rogue employee saying something stupid to the media, there’s a poor senior-level decision being made.

What to do when your business gets bad publicity
Respond quickly, honestly and decisively. Don’t get defensive. If you are in the wrong, it’s vital to own up and apologise. Never say “no comment” – it sends the message that you are in the wrong but feel no remorse – and the press may keep digging for dirt. Face up to the situation and you can begin to restore the reputation of your business.